Lucky 15 Bet Calculator

Welcome to our Lucky 15 Bet Calculator. It’s a really handy calculator for those who are partial to a bit of Lucky 15 betting action! It enables you to calculate the stake, return and profit for Lucky 15 bets. If you get stuck with any part of this calculator, just hover over the question marks to get some hints on each of the boxes.


Enter Bet Details

Enter Selection Odds

Summary (Updated Automatically)

Total Outlay Total Return Total Profit
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What is a Lucky 15 Bet? Everything you need to know about the Lucky 15 betting type, how to use it, when to use it, its composition, how to calculate returns and loads more useful information.


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FAQs About The Lucky 15 Bet Calculator

Q: How many winners do you need to get a return on a Lucky 15 bet?

A: In theory you only need 1 winner for some sort of return as the Lucky 15 bet has 4 singles, but this is all dependent on the odds. Having a single winner will probably not cover your initial stake. Your returns maybe boosted if your bookmaker offers a bonus for combo wins from this betting type.


Q: What happens if you get a non-runner in your Lucky 15 bet?

A: If one of your selections is a non-runner the bet still stands on any remaining selections and singles on non-runners will be returned. Any doubles that contain a non-runner will then turn into Singles. Any trebles that contain a non-runner becomes Doubles and the Accumulator will now be a Treble.


Q: Are there any bonuses with a Lucky 15 bet?

A: Bonuses are given on Lucky 15 bets by the majority of bookmakers. Normally they add 10 or 20% bonus if all your selections come up as winners. They also offer boosted odds if only one of your selections win, as a consolation prize. Check with the bookmakers before you place your bet, if they do allow bonuses on a Lucky 15 bet.


Q: Is a Lucky 15 bet a good bet to place?

A: If you have faith in your selections and believe that you will win, then the Lucky 15 bet will increase your chances of a profitable return.

The four single bets within the Lucky 15 bet offers the punter some sort of safety net. The Lucky 15 bet is known for being a higher stake, higher reward type of bet.


Below is a List of all the different types of Bets our Calculators can compute: